12 Most Common Lies Narcissists Tell: Translate Into Truth

12 Most Common Lies Narcissists Tell, Translate Into Truth By Experts

You’ve met them before. That charming, all-too-perfect someone who knows exactly what to say and when to say it. They sweep you off your feet, and everything feels like a dream until it doesn’t. Suddenly, you find yourself questioning reality and doubting your gut; somehow, they’re always right. Well, congratulations my dear, you’ve just encountered … Read more

35 Quick Comebacks to Crush a Narcissist's Ego on the Spot

35 Quick Comebacks to Crush a Narcissists’ Egos on The Spot

Dealing with a narcissist is like playing chess with someone who keeps changing the rules and then declares victory before the game even starts. They’ll twist your words, gaslight you, and leave you wondering why you bothered in the first place. Trust me, I’ve been there. Growing up with a mom who seemed to think … Read more

How You Can Insult Toxic People

Shut Down Narcissists With These 30+ Powerful Comebacks

Have you ever dealt with a toxic person who just seems to thrive on making everyone else miserable? You know, the kind of person who always has a snide comment, a passive-aggressive remark, or a way of turning every situation into a negative one. Well, it’s time to turn the tables and give them a … Read more

How to defend your opinion without being defensive

How to Defend Your Opinion Without Being Defensive

In the eyes of the most professors and leaders, defending your opinion equals being defensive. I hated this about the educational system. Even if a professor was wrong, there was hardly a way to speak your mind without being perceived as a defensive and rude person. That was before I learned how to handle my … Read more

Good Qualities in a Person

Good Qualities in a Person, Do You Have The Traits?

The secret to a happy and successful life resides in tireless personal growth, regardless of how difficult, frightening or devastating it may be. Soul-searching develops all the good qualities in a person, enrichening our lives with the most special kind of wisdom – to respond to good and the bad times with the same enthusiasm … Read more

Why do people lie and how to stop lying

Why Do People Lie and How to Deal with Liars

They say, “Tell a lie once, and all your truths become questionable”. But, isn’t it true that everyone lies? Be that good-natured dishonesties and harmless tricks, or carefully fabricated deceits and blatant frauds, distorted truths are so deeply intertwined with the human nature that we cannot but ask: why do people lie? Why Do People … Read more

what are interpersonal skills? and How to improve them?

What Are Interpersonal Skills and How To Improve Them

What are the interpersonal skills? It is the people skills that you and I use every day to communicate and interact with others at a workplace, in a team meeting, in relationships and pretty much everywhere and anywhere. These skills are one of my top criteria to use when evaluating employees’ performance and future candidates … Read more

Always Believe In Yourself, Learn Why Most People Are Insecure and How To Boost Your Self-Belief

Always Believe In Yourself and Learn Why Most People Are Insecure

Always believe in yourself, my grandma used to tell me every time I was down. In today’s society, thanks to all the advanced technology that we conveniently have access to, it is easier said than done. Insecurity, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, in general, have become some of the main tools for creating humorous posts … Read more