5 Signs You're Staying In The Wrong Relationship

5 Signs You’re Tricking Yourself Into Staying In The Wrong Relationship

It’s safe to say that we’ve all been there, stuck in a relationship that feels like it’s dragging us down, but we keep telling ourselves that everything’s fine. It’s like convincing yourself that kale smoothies actually taste good when we all know they taste like dirt. The truth is, sometimes we trick ourselves into staying … Read more

Reasons Why most women Fail In Relationships

7 Surprising Reasons Why You Fail In Relationships

Relationships can be a total rollercoaster, you know. I mean, one moment, you’re on cloud nine, and the next, you’re wondering why things suddenly feel like they’re spiraling out of control. While it’s easy to point fingers, sometimes the key to understanding why relationships fail lies in examining our own habits, behaviors, and yes, even … Read more

21 stages of narcissist-empath relationship

21 Stages of a Narcissist-Empath Relationship: Are You In One?

Ever felt like you’ve been sucked into an emotional black hole and spat out with more questions than answers? Welcome to the chaotic world of a narcissist-empath relationship. It’s a rollercoaster of highs and lows that makes you question your sanity. Buckle up, because I’m taking you through the 21 stages of this wild ride, … Read more

things toxic parents said to their children

Shattering Childhood: 8 Hurtful Things My Toxic Parents Often Say

Growing up with toxic parents is like navigating a minefield. One wrong step, and boom! You’re hit with a barrage of harmful words and actions that can leave lasting scars. It’s tough, and if you’re reading this, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. Maybe you’ve heard these same toxic phrases, or maybe you’ve … Read more

how to have a tough conversations with your partner after a fight.

How I Start Tough Conversations with My Partner Without Sparking a War

Let’s face it, having difficult conversations with your partner can feel like navigating a minefield with a blindfold on. We’ve all been there, those moments where you know you need to talk about something serious, but you’d rather stick your head in a beehive. I’ve been through this, and let me tell you, it doesn’t … Read more

things can set off narcissistic family.

5 Things That Set Your Narcissistic Family Off!

Living with narcissistic family members? Oh, I feel you. It’s like walking on eggshells every single day, right? But here’s the thing, understanding what sets them off can give you a serious edge in managing those explosive moments. Today, we’re diving deep into the five biggest triggers that send your narcissistic family members into a … Read more

3 Deep Questions To Connect With Your Partner.

3 Deep Questions Your Partner Secretly Wants You to Ask

Let’s get real, relationships aren’t all about roses and candlelit dinners. I wish someone would sell a perfect relationship manual so you and I can use it to overcome difficult stages in our relationships. I know wishful thinking 🤪. Ok! If you want a truly fulfilling connection with your partner, you’ve got to dig deep, … Read more

Healing Emotional Scars After Sibling Toxicity: How I Did It!

Healing Emotional Scars After Sibling Toxicity: How I Did It!

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve dealt with sibling drama just like me. It’s like trying to dodge emotional landmines, am I right? Growing up, I used to think sibling rivalry was just a typical part of family life. But what happens when it goes beyond harmless teasing and starts leaving real scars on … Read more

How I Managed Anger and Resentment Towards My Toxic Siblings

How I Managed Anger and Resentment Towards My Toxic Siblings?

Growing up with toxic siblings can leave deep scars that often manifest as anger and resentment. I won’t sugarcoat it: I’ve felt a lot of these emotions towards my siblings over the years. Maybe you’ve been there too. It stings when family members, the ones you should be closest to, act in hurtful ways. I … Read more