Feeling Exhausted After Leaving a Narcissist? Here's why?

Why Are You So Tired After Leaving a Narcissist?

So, you’ve finally broken free from the chaos of a narcissistic relationship. You’re free! You can breathe, snack without judgment, and wear whatever you like without someone making it about them. But instead of dancing around in victory, you feel…tired. Not the kind of tiredness that a cup of coffee will fix, but the deep, … Read more

12 Power Moves to Dominate Your Space Around Narcissists

12 Power Moves to Dominate Your Space Around Narcissists

Living with a narcissist is like being on an emotional rollercoaster, you’re constantly up, and down, and feeling like you’re about to be thrown off. If you’re still with one, you know how draining, confusing, and downright frustrating it can be. Growing up, I faced a similar situation with my family. I was born in … Read more

Tips On How to Manipulate The Narcissistic Manipulator

5 Tips On How to Manipulate The Narcissistic Manipulator

Growing up in a family with a narcissist feels like you’re always in the middle of a high-stakes chess game. It’s exhausting, confusing, and downright infuriating, especially when that narcissist is your own mother, someone who should be your biggest supporter but instead tears you down. My experience growing up was marked by a mother … Read more

6 Ways A Narcissist Will Attempt To Destroy Your Sense Of Self

6 Subtle Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Sense of Self

Growing up in a toxic family can feel like being in a never-ending episode of emotional Survivor, except the tribe you want to vote off is your family. Throughout my youth, I learned a lot about how to fend for myself early on, mainly because my narcissistic mom, toxic sister, and brother were too busy … Read more

20 tiny yet impactful habits that will change your life

20 Tiny Yet Impactful Habits That Change My Life

We’ve all heard the saying, “Little things make big things happen.” But what if I told you that some tiny, almost laughable habits could seriously tweak the trajectory of your life? Yeah, I know, it sounds like one of those over-the-top claims you see plastered over the internet. But stick with me, because what I’m … Read more

narcissistic quotes

55 Narcissistic Quotes to Make You Laugh and Relate!

Hey you. Ever felt like you’re stuck in a narcissist circus? You’re not alone. Whether it’s your parent, sibling, romantic partner, friend, or coworker, these quotes hilariously capture their self-obsessed antics. Buckle up for a wild ride through the ego-verse. Let’s dive in, shall we? Narcissistic Quotes For Parent Narcissistic Quotes For Siblings Narcissistic Quotes … Read more