8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is no walk in the park, it’s more like a marathon through a minefield. I can say that because I’ve been there years ago. If you’ve been there, you know that the aftermath isn’t just something you can just “shake off.” The effects run deep, and they stick around like that annoying pop … Read more

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

Let’s cut the crap, loneliness sucks. It’s that ugly, creeping feeling that shows up when you least expect it, usually right as you’re about to fall asleep or when you’re at a party pretending to enjoy yourself. But here’s the kicker, loneliness isn’t just about not having people around you. Nope. It’s way more insidious … Read more

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is A Quintessential?

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is Quintessential?

You’ve just left a narcissistic relationship, whether it’s family or friends, let me be the first to say, congratulations on having the courage to take one of the hardest steps in your life. So, instead of feeling relief, you’re overwhelmed with sadness, trust me I get it. I was there myself a few years ago. … Read more

5 Types of People You Need When Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

5 Types of People You Need While Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

When you’re healing from narcissistic abuse, the journey can feel like a lonely, uphill battle. But here’s the truth: You don’t have to go through it alone. In fact, the people you surround yourself with during this time can either make or break your progress. Imagine them as your personal army, each with a unique … Read more

7 Types of Therapy That Help Heal Trauma

7 Therapies to Heal Trauma from Narcissistic Abuse for Good

Healing from trauma can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you’re trying to do it all on your own. Trust me, I get it. It’s tough to know where to start, and traditional talk therapy doesn’t always cut it. That’s why I’m here to share with you seven types of therapy that can help … Read more

things i learned in therapy

15 Surprising Truths I Discovered in Therapy (And Why They Matter)

Therapy. The word itself can conjure up images of lying on a couch, spilling your guts to a silent, bearded figure with a notebook. But in reality, therapy is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and occasional awkward silences. I’ve spent my fair share of hours in that room, and here are 15 things I’ve learned … Read more

faqs from narcissistic abuse survivors.

Top FAQs From Narcissistic Abuse Survivors

Alright, let’s get real. Surviving narcissistic abuse is like emerging from a war zone. I’ve been there many many years ago. It’s brutal and messy and it leaves scars, deep, deep scars. But guess what? You’re here, and that’s a victory in itself. I’ve been through 30 years of this crap, and I’m here to … Read more

3 Psychological Tricks Every Toxic Person Uses

3 Psychological Tricks Every Toxic Person Uses: Are You Being Played?

You know, dealing with toxic people is like trying to navigate through a minefield while blindfolded. These master manipulators have a special set of skills – not the Liam Neeson kind – but the kind that can mess with your head and leave you questioning your sanity. Let’s dive into the top three mind games … Read more