5 Minutes To Break Free From Toxic BS

5,236 People Said “Hell No” to Toxicity. Will You Be Next?
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What Our Readers Are Saying!

I must say you’re God sent! Within the course of a week, I was smeared by my Mother and betrayed by my two sisters, whom I absolutely trusted. They betrayed my very secrets to her, knowing full well how she’s going to do with them. Anyway, your daily emails keep someone going forward in this corner of the Globe. Much love and bliss 💖

Bonnie W.
You’re like a little 😇
When I’m feeling vulnerable because I’m so used to being the one to go back to my older sister even when she is so awful, I get this email!!
I’m trying to be in a place where I know I need to be for my mental well-being!! Thank you again you are so helpful!!!!
When I’m feeling vulnerable because I’m so used to being the one to go back to my older sister even when she is so awful, I get this email!!
I’m trying to be in a place where I know I need to be for my mental well-being!! Thank you again you are so helpful!!!!

Lorraine G.
Thank you for once again giving me pointers which I can use in my own situation. There’s one thing I’ve realized, having a narcissistic sibling and allowing her to rock my world, is my fault! Only I can prevent it, protect myself. Until next time. Thank you for your support and encouragement!💖

Love your newsletter!! Always so insightful and packed with great advice! Thank you so much 🌺

Meet Kolyanne!
I am a Certified Life Coach, a mother to a handsome kiddo, and a woman doing her best to be a little better each day. I get the honor of helping people just like you who want to feel better, want to solve their problems, and tackle their goals but aren’t sure how.