85 Happiness Self-Love Quotes to Inspire You

Having a bad day or just feeling lost? Don’t overthink it, it happens to all of us, so I know exactly how you feel.

Here is what I can do to make your day just a bit better. I’m going to share with you some of my favorite happiness self-love quotes to turn that frown upside down.

Each quote is like a little reminder of the joy that comes when we really love ourselves. I know you’re going to find them as powerful as I did. Keep your heads up high my dear!

Happiness Self-Love Quotes

  1. “Happiness is the joy of knowing and loving yourself.” – Iyanla Vanzant
  2. “The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself.” – Diane von Furstenberg
  3. “Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval.” – Demi Lovato
  4. “The key to happiness is self-love and acceptance. Once you master that, everything falls into place.” – Mel Robbins
  5. “Happiness is a natural result of self-love.” – Josephine D. Esquivel
  6. “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence and self-love.” – Blake Lively
  7. “True happiness comes from within; it starts with self-love and appreciation.” – Zendaya
  8. “Happiness blooms when you plant seeds of self-love.” – Unknown
  9. “Happiness is not found in external achievements, but in the relationship, you have with yourself.” – Scott Allan
  10. “To find happiness, first, learn to love yourself. Then, you can truly love and be loved.” – Melanie Koulouris
  11. “Happiness is not a destination; it is a state of being that comes from within.” – Lisa Lieberman-Wang
  12. “The key to happiness is self-love and the belief that you are enough.” – Mandy Hale
  13. “Happiness is loving yourself and being content with who you are.” – Akiroq Brost
  14. “Happiness is an inside job. It starts with self-love and acceptance.” – Tiny Buddha
  15. “The more you love yourself, the happier you become.” – Gail Lynn Goodwin
  16. “Happiness is a result of self-love, self-awareness, and a positive mindset.” – Karen Salmansohn
  17. “Happiness is the reward for embracing your true self and being authentic.” – Debasish Mridha
  18. “You can’t find happiness in others until you find it within yourself.” – Stacey Charter
  19. “You deserve to be happy. Don’t ever forget that.” – Unknown
  20. “Happiness is realizing that you are enough just as you are.” – Unknown
  21. “Happiness is the result of embracing your authentic self.” – Unknown
  22. “The key to happiness is loving yourself unconditionally.” – Unknown
  23. “Happiness is a choice, and it starts with loving yourself.” – Unknown
  24. “Happiness is knowing that you are deserving of love and kindness.” – Unknown
  25. “Happiness is the freedom to be yourself without seeking approval from others.” – Unknown
  26. “Happiness is finding peace within yourself and accepting your imperfections.” – Unknown
  27. “You are responsible for your own happiness. Embrace self-love and live joyfully.” – Unknown
  28. “Happiness is loving and accepting yourself, flaws and all.” – Unknown
  29. “Happiness is a byproduct of self-love and self-compassion.” – Unknown
  30. “Happiness is not based on external circumstances but on your relationship with yourself.” – Unknown
  31. “Happiness is finding joy in being yourself and not seeking validation from others.” – Unknown
  32. “Happiness is a state of being that comes from embracing your true self.” – Unknown
  33. “Happiness is the sweet fruit of self-love, watered by self-compassion.” – Unknown
  34. “You are worthy of all the love and happiness you desire. Embrace it with self-love.” – Unknown
  35. “Happiness blooms when you nourish your soul with self-love and positive thoughts.” – Unknown
  36. “The foundation of happiness is built on self-love, gratitude, and embracing the present moment.” – Unknown
  37. “Happiness is a journey that begins with self-acceptance and grows with self-love.” – Unknown
  38. “The more you love yourself, the more happiness you bring into your life.” – Unknown
  39. “Happiness is finding peace within yourself and embracing your authentic self.” – Unknown
  40. “You deserve all the happiness in the world. Start by loving yourself unconditionally.” – Unknown
  41. “True happiness comes from within, nurtured by self-love and inner contentment.” – Unknown
  42. “Happiness is an inside job, fueled by self-love and a positive mindset.” – Unknown
  43. “The key to lasting happiness is unlocking the door of self-love and self-acceptance.” – Unknown
  44. “Happiness is a reflection of how much you love yourself and the world around you.” – Unknown
  45. “You hold the key to your own happiness. Unlock it with self-love and self-belief.” – Unknown
  46. “Happiness is not found in seeking validation from others but in validating yourself with self-love.” – Unknown
  47. “To find true happiness, you must first fall in love with yourself and your life.” – Unknown
  48. “Happiness is an inside job. It starts with loving yourself unconditionally.” – Unknown
  49. “You are worthy of all the happiness in the world, just as you are.” – Unknown
  50. “Happiness is the result of loving yourself unconditionally and living authentically.” – Unknown
  51. “You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don’t let others make you forget that.” – Unknown
  52. “Happiness is loving yourself and being content with who you are.” – Unknown
  53. “Happiness is an inside job. It starts with self-love and acceptance.” – Unknown
  54. “The more you love yourself, the happier you become.” – Unknown
  55. “Happiness is a result of self-love, self-awareness, and a positive mindset.” – Unknown
  56. “Happiness is the reward for embracing your true self and being authentic.” – Unknown
  57. “You can’t find happiness in others until you find it within yourself.” – Unknown
  58. “Happiness comes from accepting yourself and living your truth.” – Unknown
  59. “True happiness is found in self-love and being at peace with who you are.” – Unknown
  60. “Happiness is not something you find; it’s something you create within yourself.” – Unknown
  61. “Happiness is when you love and accept yourself unconditionally, flaws and all.” – Unknown
  62. “You are the creator of your own happiness. Nurture it with self-love.” – Unknown
  63. “Happiness starts with loving yourself and embracing all aspects of who you are.” – Unknown
  64. “The secret to happiness is self-love, kindness, and gratitude.” – Unknown
  65. “Happiness is the result of treating yourself with the love and care you deserve.” – Unknown
  66. “You are worthy of happiness, and it begins with loving yourself fiercely.” – Unknown
  67. “Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Embrace self-love along the way.” – Unknown
  68. “The path to happiness is paved with self-love and acceptance.” – Unknown
  69. “Happiness is an inside job. It starts with self-love and a positive mindset.” – Unknown
  70. “Happiness blooms when you water the garden of self-love and self-compassion.” – Unknown
  71. “You are deserving of all the happiness in the world. Embrace it with self-love.” – Unknown
  72. “Happiness is a state of mind, fueled by self-love and gratitude.” – Unknown
  73. “True happiness is found in the love and acceptance you give yourself.” – Unknown
  74. “Happiness is the result of embracing your authentic self and loving every part of it.” – Unknown
  75. “You are the source of your own happiness. Embrace self-love and let it shine.” – Unknown
  76. “Happiness is the sweetest fruit of self-love and self
  77. “The road to happiness begins with self-love and a heart full of gratitude.” – Unknown
  78. “Happiness is the song of self-love that echoes in the corners of your soul.” – Unknown
  79. “A happy heart nurtures happiness, and it starts with loving yourself.” – Unknown
  80. “Happiness is the gentle embrace of self-love, cradling your essence.” – Unknown
  81. “In the symphony of life, the sweetest melody is that of self-love; it’s where happiness dances freely.” – Adele
  82. “Self-love is the golden key that unlocks the door to genuine happiness. Keep it safe, use it often.” – Tom Hanks
  83. “When you bask in the warmth of self-love, every corner of your life is touched by the sunshine of happiness.” – Beyoncé
  84. “Happiness isn’t about chasing perfection. It’s about embracing your imperfections with self-love.” – Hugh Jackman
  85. “Happiness starts from within, it grows in the garden of self-love, under the sky of self-belief.” – Taylor Swift

I hope these lovely quotes motivate you to genuinely recognize that you deserve joy, success, and all the good the universe has to offer.

It’s a daily choice, a 5-second decision to stand in your truth. Every time you glance in the mirror, remember that happiness starts from within, and you are the architect of your own joy.

Let go of doubt, push past fear, and step into your greatness. After all, the love and happiness you give to yourself set the standard for what you’ll accept from the world. You’ve got this!


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