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Where does self-love come from?

Where Does Self-Love Come From? Origins of Self-Love

Where does self-love come from? For many of us, self-love can seem quite evasive. I struggled to be someone who could love and embrace myself completely for a long time. The key to changing yourself and finally accepting and loving who you are? It all begins with self-awareness, especially knowing where self-love comes from and ... Read more

How to love yourself in a relationship?

24 Kick-Ass Steps on How to Love Yourself in a Relationship

Our personal relationships often introduce new activities and interests to our lives. While it’s enriching to explore someone else’s passions, it can also interfere with our ability to pursue our own. I found out this lesson the hard way when I realized that the people I cared for and give my support to in my ... Read more

Where does lack of self-love come from?

Where Does Lack of Self-Love Come From? Uncovering The Root Cause

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? When you have a bad day, do you treat yourself the same way you would treat anyone else going through the same thing? Self-love is not just an online trend with beautiful quotes. Self-love is your manual for self-empowerment and true happiness. But yet, so ... Read more

Self-love vs self-hate

Self-Love vs Self-Hate: Win Over Your Negative Inner Critic!

In our journey through life, the most significant battle you and I encounter isn’t with the world, but within ourselves: the lifelong tussle of self-love vs self-hate. Whether it’s our unforgiving reflection in the mirror, or societal pressures whispering standards we ‘ought to’ meet. Each hits women with unique intensity, affecting our mental health. I ... Read more

Self-love vs self-compassion

Self-Love vs Self-Compassion: What is The Difference?

I recall countless nights pushing myself beyond exhaustion, believing that I had to meet everyone’s expectations. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the concept of self-compassion that I realized the damage I was inflicting upon myself. Learning to offer kindness and understanding to my own struggles opened doors to a profound sense of healing and ... Read more

Self-love vs self-care

Self-Love vs Self-Care: Which Matters More in Your Personal Growth Journey?

You’ve probably heard the buzzwords “self-care” and “self-love” on social media or in your community, and like most people, you’re probably not sure about the difference between the two. I’ve been there! I used to think that the two concepts were the same thing. I thought that if I just kept telling myself that I ... Read more

Self-love vs self-respect

Self-Love vs Self-Respect: Say No to Things That Make You Unhappy

Have you ever found it difficult to distinguish self-love from self-respect? I’m sure you’ve heard these terms, but may not exactly know the difference between the two. I thought that self-love meant always feeling great about myself, and self-respect meant needing to constantly sacrifice my needs for others. Boy was I wrong, and it drained ... Read more

Self-Love vs Narcissism

Self-Love vs Narcissism: Putting Yourself First Is Not Aways a Bad Thing!

Have you ever been called a narcissist for prioritizing yourself? If so, you know the painful reality of struggling to manage your needs and boundaries in a way that’s considerate of others. It’s been challenging for me to know where to draw the line between self-love and narcissism. But by taking the time to understand ... Read more

Self-Love vs Self-Compassion

Self-Love vs Self-Acceptance: Which One Do You Need More?

Ever since I hit my 40s, my social media feeds seem to be filled with mantras about self-love. While all of the positivity is great, I couldn’t help but find myself questioning whether it’s true enough. Through all my years of trying to juggle work, relationships, and parenting, I finally realized the true importance of ... Read more

Self-love vs self-worth

Self-Love vs Self-Worth: Why Do You Need Both?

When I started my self-improvement journey, I struggled to discern between self-love and self-worth. And without having a clear understanding of the two concepts, it was tricky to know where to start. Is self-love the same thing as self-love? Are the two concepts interchangeable? I dived deep into trying to understand the two concepts with ... Read more