What Happens to Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers? You Are Not Alone

Do you sometimes find yourself wondering what happens to daughters of narcissistic fathers? How does that whole “daddy dearest” drama shape who they become?

Growing up with a narcissistic family member can feel like you’re part of a reality show where the rules keep changing.

You question your reality, your self-worth, and maybe even your sanity.

But you’re not alone. I’m the daughter of a narcissistic parent myself, and I grew up with a mom who believed she was better than everyone.

While that’s a unique experience altogether, I know a thing or two about tiptoeing around eggshells and deciphering cryptic emotions.

Below, I’ll share with you what I learned from my own healing journey in hopes that it’ll help you understand your relationship with your narcissistic father.

Because doing this, even if it hurts, can be the first step towards healing and reclaiming your own story.

  • Narcissistic fathers can leave emotional scars, but they don’t define you. Your resilience and strength are what matter most.
  • Saying “no” to your father isn’t selfish, it’s setting an important boundary for your well-being. You deserve respect and space to blossom into your authentic self.
  • Don’t silence your feelings. Assert yourself and speak your truth because owning your story is the key to unlocking your full potential.

What Happens to Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers?

Daughters of narcissistic fathers experience a range of symptoms, both emotional and psychological, that can impact their lives in the present and the future.

They may develop issues with their self-esteem and identity, setting boundaries, and people-pleasing, which can lead to anxiety and depression.

Imagine it’s your birthday, but instead of cake and presents, you’re stuck holding the spotlight while your dad regales the room with tales of his greatness.

You smile, and clap, because that’s what good daughters do, right? But inside, a tiny voice whispers, “Is this about me, ever?”

Growing up with a narcissistic father feels like living in a funhouse mirror – distorted, confusing, and a little bit nauseating.

It’s not just the grand gestures and endless demands.

It’s the quiet digs and the emotional neglect that can make any daughter feel trapped in the distorted reality of her dad’s influence.

That said, it is also important to note that what happens to the daughter of a narcissistic father is not set in stone.

You can heal and build healthier relationships with self-awareness, support, and therapy.


Don’t forget to celebrate yourself, even quietly. Every step away from his drama is a victory for your joy.

7 Ways to Cope With the Negative Effects of Living With a Narcissistic Father

Infographic on the 7 ways to cope with the negative effects of living with a narcissistic father.Pin

Understanding the long-term impacts is only the first step to dealing with the challenges of having a narcissistic dad. Next, you have to learn effective tools to help you navigate the present.

Here are seven practical strategies for daughters to cope and build a life filled with self-love:

1. Learn to Say No Without the Guilt

A narcissistic father can leave daughters struggling to set firm boundaries.

Growing up in a narcissistic family myself, I get the guilt trip symphony – the passive-aggressive sighs, the guilt-laced “buts,” the whole orchestra of emotional manipulation.

It takes guts to say no in that kind of climate, but setting boundaries with your narcissistic father is crucial, not cruel.

You wouldn’t let a stranger walk into your room and rearrange your things, right? Your feelings, your time, your energy – they’re your sacred space.

Saying no isn’t selfish, it’s simply reclaiming that space.

Imagine it as drawing a line around yourself, a line that says, “This far and no further, my needs matter too.”

Of course, the guilt monster will rear its ugly head.

He’ll whisper things like, “He’s your dad, you can’t say no to him,” or “He’ll be so disappointed.” But a healthy relationship thrives on respect, not obligation.

A dad who truly loves you would never want to make you feel bad for having your own needs.

So, how do we slay the guilt dragon and wield the “no” sword with confidence? Practice.

Start small. Say no to that extra errand he springs on you last minute. Politely declines to attend that boring family event he insists on.

Remember, every “no” is a brick in the wall you’re building around your emotional well-being.

2. Build Your Self-Esteem With Affirmations

Growing up with a dad who treats their daughters as emotional punching bags can leave some serious cracks in your self-esteem.

I get it. My own mom had a talent for turning compliments into critiques and achievements into opportunities for disappointment.

But here’s the thing: your father’s narcissistic behavior doesn’t define you. You are a fierce, resilient queen, and it’s time to crown your confidence!

Enter affirmations. For me, they’re like tiny confidence fairies whispering truth bombs into my ear.

Every morning, stand tall (power pose, girl!), look in the mirror, and give yourself a pep talk worthy of Beyoncé.

Repeat after me: “I am worthy of love and respect.” “My voice matters.” “My flaws are what make me unique and fabulous.”

Sounds cheesy, right? Maybe.

But those little whispers add up. They chip away at the negativity your dad built up, brick by brick.

Over time, they become your inner soundtrack, drowning out the doubts and amplifying the badass you hiding inside.

And here’s the best part: you get to customize your affirmations!

Is your dad the master of backhanded compliments? Tell yourself, “His words don’t reflect my worth.”

Does he belittle your goals? Affirm, “My dreams are valid, and I will achieve them.”

Remember, building self-esteem isn’t about becoming some airbrushed, perfect version of yourself. It’s about accepting and loving who you are, flaws and all.


Practice positive affirmations like mantras, reminding yourself of your strength, your worth, your fabulousness. The way you talk to yourself matters, so sprinkle glitter (metaphorically speaking) on your inner dialogue.

3. Ditch the Critical Inner Voice

Okay, let’s talk trash. Not the literal kind, though.

I’m talking about the trash talk happening in your head that inner critic channeling your narcissistic father’s criticism and belittlement.

I know that voice all too well. It’s the one that whispers, “You’re not good enough,” “No one will ever love you,” and “Just another disappointment in a long line of them.”

It’s like having a gremlin permanently perched on your shoulder, spewing negativity.

But that gremlin? It’s a liar. These words from narcissist dads were designed to make their daughters feel small and insignificant, but they don’t define your worth.

So, how do we evict this gremlin?

First, recognize its presence. When you hear that critical voice, don’t get sucked in. Step back, observe, and say, “Hold up, negativity, not today.”

Then, challenge its lies! Ask yourself, “Is this really true? Or is this just the gremlin regurgitating my dad’s garbage?”

Next, replace that negativity with self-compassion.

Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend going through a tough time. Be kind, be gentle, and remind yourself of your amazing qualities.

Remember, you are strong, you are resilient, and you are worthy of love and happiness.

4. Surround Yourself With Supportive Friends

If you were raised by a narcissistic father, you probably felt like you were living in a one-person echo chamber.

Your feelings get bounced back distorted, your needs ignored, and the only sound you hear is the echo of his inflated ego.

But you don’t have to keep dancing to that lonely tune. You can build your own orchestra, a symphony of support and love filled with the most badass instruments – your friends!

Think of your friends as your emotional rock stars.

They’re the ones who offer a shoulder to cry on when the guilt trip symphony starts playing, the ones who celebrate your victories even when your dad can’t see them, and the ones who remind you of your worth when the gremlin of self-doubt starts its chorus.

Building this tribe takes effort, though. So, don’t wait for the perfect friend group to magically appear.

Put yourself out there! Join clubs, explore your passions, and connect with people who share your interests.

Be open to unexpected friendships, the ones that bloom from awkward hellos to late-night heart-to-hearts.

And don’t underestimate the power of online communities. Support groups, virtual meet-ups, and even online forums – can be lifelines for daughters of narcissistic parents.

Sharing your experiences with others who “get it” can be incredibly validating and empowering.

Plus, it’s a treasure trove of advice, understanding, and maybe even a few good laughs to chase away the blues.

5. Talk It Out With a Professional

Ever heard of talk therapy? I know, I know, the word itself can send shivers down your spine. But hear me out first.

You see, living with a narcissistic father can lead to some serious emotional baggage, but you don’t have to unpack that baggage alone.

Therapy can be your secret weapon, helping you untangle the mess and reclaim your inner peace.

Think of it as a safe space, a judgment-free zone where you can finally unleash all those bottled-up feelings – the anger, the confusion, the frustration, even the occasional “I-just-want-to-shake-him-until-his-teeth-chatter” fantasies (we’ve all been there).

A therapist can help you make sense of your experiences, validate your emotions, and equip you with tools to cope with the impact of your dad’s behavior.

They’re not there to judge, blame, or diagnose. They’re there to listen, to understand, and to offer emotional support and guidance.

They’ll help you unpack the baggage, untangle the knots of guilt and self-doubt, and build healthy coping mechanisms.

Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It means you’re taking control of your own well-being and choosing to invest in your emotional future.


Your happiness is your own to claim. With therapy, you can finally learn to live a life that aligns with your passions and desires.

6. See the Situation for What It Is and Stop Blaming Yourself

Narcissistic fathers often exert control over their daughters, warping their perceptions and twisting situations to fit their narrative.

They manipulate, gaslight, and minimize your feelings, making you question your sanity and worth.

Some narcissistic fathers may also play the victim and blame others for their own shortcomings.

It’s no wonder you end up internalizing the blame, believing you’re somehow responsible for his emotional outbursts or the dysfunction in the family.

So, how do you stop the self-blame spiral?

As part of the healing journey, you first have to acknowledge the situation for what it is.

You grew up in an environment designed to manipulate and control, not nurture and support. That’s not your fault.

It’s okay to be angry, to grieve, to feel whatever you feel. Bottling it up only gives the blame game more power.

Next, practice compassion for yourself.

You were just a kid navigating a messed-up situation. Would you blame a child lost in a maze for feeling scared and confused?

Of course not! So, offer yourself the same kindness.

Finally, remember you’re not alone. Millions of adult children of narcissistic parents share your story. Their experiences can offer validation, understanding, and a sense of community.

Talk to friends, and family, or join online groups – surround yourself with people who get it and can cheer you on.

7. Focus on Building Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

Practicing self-love might just be the best antidote to the poison of dealing with a narcissistic dad.

If you have a father who thinks rainbows were invented to celebrate him, you probably feel like a wilted flower in his shadow.

My mom could turn sunshine into storms of criticism, leaving me questioning my every bloom.

But the truth is, you are not a wilted flower, you are a magnificent garden full of unique and vibrant blooms.

It’s not about perfection, too, but about acceptance. Embrace your flaws, your quirks, your weird laugh – they’re the threads that weave the tapestry of your amazing self.

Celebrate your achievements, big and small, because every step forward is a victory lap for your resilient spirit.

Think of it like tending to your garden of self-worth.

Every act of kindness towards yourself, every positive affirmation, or even limiting or cutting contact with your narcissistic father – they’re all flowers in that garden. 

With self-love blooming in your heart, you will navigate adult relationships with newfound confidence.

You’ll know your worth, set healthy boundaries, and attract people who value the amazing person you are.

What Are the Long-Term Impacts on Daughters of Narcissistic Fathers?

The impact of narcissistic fathers on their daughters can shape their future, leaving lasting trails on their emotional landscape and self-perception.

While each journey is unique, the negative effects of these experiences can often linger into adulthood and manifest in specific ways, such as:

  • Difficulty forming healthy attachments in intimate relationships. Daughters of narcissistic fathers may find it challenging to form and maintain healthy relationships because of the emotionally manipulative nature of their father’s love. They might fall into unhealthy relationship patterns due to a yearning for the validation they craved from their father.
  • Struggles with self-esteem and self-worth. This is one of the most common symptoms experienced by daughters of narcissistic dads. Growing up in a narcissistic household exposes them to constant criticism, conditional love, and lack of validation, leaving them feeling lost and unsure of their own value.
  • Tendency to be overly critical of themselves and others. A narcissistic father often sets impossibly high standards, both for himself and those around him. As a result, daughters might internalize this critical lens, becoming overly critical of their appearance, performance, and choices. They might also judge others harshly, seeking to find flaws to avoid feeling like the “lesser” one.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries. It’s common among daughters of narcissistic fathers to struggle to say no because their dads disregarded their personal boundaries. So, in adulthood, they might feel uncomfortable asserting their needs, and they may easily cave to the demands of others.
  • People-pleasing tendencies as a coping mechanism. Daughters often develop people-pleasing tendencies to cope with the constant manipulation from a narcissistic father. They may prioritize the needs and wants of others at their own expense in an attempt to avoid conflict or earn approval.
  • Hypervigilance to the needs and emotions of others. A daughter of a narcissistic father may constantly scan her environment and become attuned to every shift in mood. This can stem from growing up in an unpredictable home where reading subtle cues was essential for avoiding emotional outbursts.
  • Confusion about what constitutes healthy emotional expression. The lack of empathy and emotional regulation displayed by narcissistic individuals can make it difficult for daughters to understand and trust their own emotions. They might fear expressing anger or sadness, believing it will lead to conflict or manipulation.
  • Difficulty trusting their own perceptions and intuitions. Survivors of narcissistic abuse can have a deep-seated sense of confusion and doubt, unable to trust their own perceptions and intuitions. They might second-guess their reactions, dismiss their gut feelings, and constantly seek external validation.
  • Internalized sense of competition with other women. Daughters of narcissistic fathers grow up in homes where their worth is measured against others. As a result, they may feel threatened by other women’s successes and struggle to celebrate their achievements.
  • Potential to exhibit narcissistic tendencies. The toxic family dynamics they grew up in can make some daughters develop narcissistic traits. They don’t necessarily become a full-blown narcissist, but they may learn behaviors associated with narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Increased risk of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Daughters of narcissistic fathers often develop a higher risk for these mental health problems as a result of the emotional invalidation they may have endured. The lack of a secure and supportive environment can leave them feeling vulnerable, insecure, and unable to cope with difficult emotions in healthy ways.

It’s important to remember that these are not inevitable consequences.

With the right strategies, you can learn healthy coping mechanisms, manage mental health challenges, and develop a positive self-image.


You deserve a life centered on you, not your dad’s reflection. Find ways to rediscover your worth and prioritize your happiness.

Always Assert Your Feelings

While we’ve talked about what happens to daughters of narcissistic fathers, those things don’t define you. It might be a chapter in your life, but it’s not your whole story.

Armed with the tools to heal, thrive, and claim your spotlight, you can now rewrite your story.

The key? Knowing how to assert your feelings. It’s like claiming your birthright – the right to feel, experience, and express yourself fully.

Don’t let the echoes of your relationship with your father silence your truth. If something feels wrong, say it. If you need space, ask for it.

This isn’t about winning a fight, it’s about reclaiming your voice.

Sure, healing takes time, but every “no” you say, every boundary you set, every tear you cry is a step towards the life you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can daughters of narcissistic fathers develop healthy boundaries?

To set boundaries, the daughter of a narcissist must prioritize self-worth, communicate her needs assertively, and be firm in enforcing limits.

Does having a narcissistic father mean you will experience narcissistic abuse?

Often, daughters of narcissistic fathers face narcissistic abuse, marked by manipulation, emotional neglect, and a skewed power dynamic.

How do daughters of narcissistic fathers act?

The most common symptoms of daughters of narcissistic fathers may include low self-esteem, trust issues, perfectionism, and people-pleasing tendencies.

How do narcissistic fathers react when they can’t control their daughters?

Narcissistic fathers often struggle with anger, manipulation, or withdrawal when they can’t control their daughters. In these moments, their sense of dominance feels threatened.

What is the trauma of a narcissistic father to their daughter?

The trauma caused by a narcissistic father includes emotional manipulation, invalidation, and a sense of inadequacy. These can impact a daughter’s self-esteem and overall well-being.

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