How to Cut Ties With Your Toxic Brother? It Was Worth It for Me

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Sibling relationships can be tough. However, when it crosses the line into emotional damage and constant hurt, itโ€™s time to take action.

I know this feeling all too well. And the decision to cut ties with my toxic brother, despite the initial pain, was the best one Iโ€™ve ever made.

Itโ€™s never easy to cut someone out of your life, but it freed me from a cycle of negativity and allowed me to prioritize my own well-being and mental health.

Finally, I could focus on the positive relationships in my life and create a space for genuine happiness.

So, if youโ€™re looking for advice on how to cut ties with your toxic brother or know someone struggling with similar issues with their family, Iโ€™ve got you.

Below, Iโ€™ll share my journey and offer insights that might help you find your path to healing and happiness.

  • You donโ€™t have to stay in situations that are draining your energy and happiness. Itโ€™s okay to walk away and prioritize your well-being.
  • Define what works for you, like limited contact or written communication. Your comfort and safety come first.
  • Cutting ties can be emotionally challenging, so be kind to yourself and try to find healthy ways to manage your stress.

11 Tips on How to Cut Ties With Your Toxic Brother

Leaving behind a toxic family member is a big decision, more so if itโ€™s a sibling. Not only does it take courage but also a deep understanding of whatโ€™s best for you.

In my case, it was even more complex because our relationship is part of a larger web of a dysfunctional family.

But if I can do it, you can, too.

If youโ€™re ready to take the leap, here are some helpful tips for cutting ties with family members who are causing you pain:

1. Understand That Itโ€™s Not Okay to Keep Getting Hurt by Him Emotionally

Denial is a powerful defense mechanism, but ignoring the constant hurt will only prolong your suffering.

Itโ€™s not easy to accept that a family member is causing you emotional pain, but I had to. It wasnโ€™t okay to feel drained and emotionally exhausted after interacting with him.

It took time, but eventually, I accepted that my need for self-preservation outweighed the societal pressure to maintain a facade of a โ€œhappy family.โ€

Ultimately, choosing myself meant letting go of the idea that a healthy relationship with my brother was possible, a truth that was both liberating and heartbreaking

When you finally decide itโ€™s time to cut ties with a family member, look at it not as a punishment to them but as an act of self-love.

Itโ€™s okay to end a toxic relationship with your brother, even if it goes against societal expectations.

2. Write Down Your Reasons for Cutting Ties With Your Toxic Sibling

Once I acknowledged the emotional impact, I started listing concrete examples of my brotherโ€™s toxic behavior. This helped me separate the emotional turmoil from the facts.

Did he constantly belittle me in front of others? Did he manipulate situations to gain something at my expense, like gaslighting me into taking the blame for something he did?

Writing down specific instances, no matter how big or small, will serve two crucial purposes.

Firstly, it will solidify the need to cut contact with a toxic brother by providing objective evidence of the harmful pattern.

Secondly, it will give you the courage to prepare for potential future manipulation or guilt-tripping by anticipating his tactics.


Document your experiences to gain clarity and solidify your resolve to prioritize your well-being. It will help you move forward with confidence when the time comes that youโ€™re ready to cut ties.

3. Tell Him Directly, โ€œI Need Space for My Well-Beingโ€

I knew it was important to be clear and firm about establishing boundaries.

So, in a calm and collected manner, I told my brother that his behavior was negatively impacting my well-being and that I needed space to prioritize my mental health.

I made sure I avoided blaming or attacking him, instead focusing on the impact his actions had on me.

Although the conversation was challenging, it allowed me to set boundaries and formally declare I was ready to cut off communication.

That said, itโ€™s important to remember that your approach might differ based on your specific situation and the level of safety involved.

Only if possible, directly let your sibling know you need to cut ties. It might help you both get a clean break.

But if you feel unsafe having a direct conversation, prioritize your safety and consider alternative methods of communication, such as a written letter or involving a trusted third party.

4. Celebrate Your Independence and Growth

Cutting a sibling off isnโ€™t the end of the story. Itโ€™s the beginning of a new chapter where you can finally celebrate your independence and the growth you achieved.

For me, the best way to deal with toxicity is to surround yourself with the people who truly support and value you. And thatโ€™s what I did.

I also prioritized activities that brought me joy and helped me rediscover myself outside the shadow of negativity.

Ending a relationship with your family member doesnโ€™t mean you are giving up on hope for a healthy family.

It simply means taking control of your environment and creating space for genuine connections.

Because if you donโ€™t do it now, itโ€™s only a matter of time before you become toxic yourself.

5. Lean on Your Support System for Strength

Cutting off a toxic sibling may leave a void, but it doesnโ€™t mean you have to face the journey alone.

While it was difficult at first, I confided in close friends and family members who had witnessed the negative impact my brotherโ€™s behavior had on me.

Talking to them about the issues with the family member in question allowed me to process my emotions, gain valuable perspective, and feel validated in my decision.

Your support system doesnโ€™t have to be limited to close family.

Therapists or counselors can provide valuable guidance and tools for coping with the emotional fallout that cutting off an abusive family member may bring.

Additionally, support groups can connect you with others who have walked a similar path, offering a sense of community and understanding.


Donโ€™t hesitate to reach out to the people in your life who will give you the support you need. Itโ€™s an essential part of healing and moving forward.

6. Prioritize Activities That Make You Feel Good and Improve Your Confidence

Filling your life with activities that make you feel good lets you move forward with a positive outlook and build a better life that reflects your values and aspirations.

Recognizing the need for self-care, I actively sought out activities that nourished my mind and body. And as an active person, I found solace in sports.

The physical exertion offered a healthy outlet for pent-up emotions, while the mental discipline required during training provided a sense of focus and accomplishment.

Engaging in activities you find fulfilling, whether itโ€™s sports, art, volunteering, or spending time in nature, is crucial after you cut ties with the toxic person in your life.

These activities not only provide enjoyment and distraction but also contribute to your overall well-being and sense of self-worth.

7. Remind Yourself Daily, โ€œI Deserve Peaceโ€

Years of emotional manipulation, starting with my narcissistic mother and toxic sister had taken their toll. My brother, unfortunately, became the final straw.

I knew I deserved better and couldnโ€™t tolerate their negativity any longer.

This realization led to a daily mantra: โ€œI deserve peace.โ€ I wrote it on sticky notes, placed it around my house, and repeated it like a silent vow when doubt crept in.

This constant reminder helped me stay focused on my decision to cut ties completely and prioritize my well-being.

Sure, family relationships are full of complexities, and figuring out how to deal with a toxic sibling can be incredibly challenging.

But sometimes, the most difficult decisions are the bravest.

Remind yourself of your worth and the peace you deserve. It might feel daunting at first, but when you cut off contact with a toxic sibling, you unlock a happier, healthier future.

You deserve to be surrounded by individuals who uplift and support you, not those who drain your energy and bring negativity into your life.

8. Reflect on Positive Changes Since Distancing

After some time apart from my brother, I took a step back to reflect on the changes in my life.

I noticed that the constant negativity had lifted, replaced by a newfound sense of calmness and clarity.

I was also more present in my relationships, engaging in deeper conversations and forming stronger bonds with supportive individuals.

My personal pursuits, once neglected, flourished as I had the space and energy to explore them fully.

This process helped me stay firm in my belief that cutting ties, even with a family member, was the right decision for my well-being.

You see, toxic people rarely change, and sometimes, prioritizing yourself means creating distance.

It also doesnโ€™t mean that your sibling relationships are erased. Youโ€™re just finally recognizing that your well-being comes first.


Family isnโ€™t defined solely by blood. Even if you let your sibling go, you can build your own tribe of people who cherish and support you.

9. Donโ€™t Feel Guilty for Deciding to Cut Ties

Weโ€™re all taught that family loyalty is a virtue. However, I realized that true loyalty shouldnโ€™t come at the expense of oneโ€™s well-being.

It took time, Iโ€™m not going to lie. But I finally understood that being unequivocally committed to your family no matter what doesnโ€™t mean enduring toxicity.

It doesnโ€™t mean sacrificing my well-being for someone who consistently hurt me.

This realization allowed me to release the guilt associated with my decision to cut ties with my toxic brother.

Donโ€™t let societal pressures or guilt dictate whether or not to cut off contact.

You deserve a life free from negativity, and walking away from a toxic relationship with a sibling is the first step to achieving that life.

10. Consider Therapy to Process Your Emotions

While processing these immense changes on my own was empowering, seeking professional help proved invaluable.

Years of toxic dynamics within my family left emotional scars, and therapy provided a safe space to unpack them.

Yes, despite feeling like the only one in my family acknowledging the toxicity, I decided to prioritize my mental health and sought professional help.

My therapist helped me deal with complex emotions like grief, anger, and self-doubt, providing me with tools to manage them healthily.

Plus, talking to a professional not only validated my experiences but also helped me develop coping mechanisms and build resilience.

11. Create New Traditions Without Him With Your Family

So, youโ€™ve established that your brother is toxic. What now? After establishing boundaries, focus on redefining family traditions with the rest of the family.

Itโ€™s important to create new memories that are positive and free from your brotherโ€™s negativity.

Instead of feeling restricted, explore new activities and plan family gatherings in ways that will bring joy and connection.

This process will allow you to reclaim a sense of togetherness and celebrate your family bond without the toxic element.

Steps To Take To Rebuild Your Life After Cutting Ties With Your Toxic Brother

No one can deny the pain that comes right after you completely cut ties with toxic family members. However, it also opens the door to a future filled with freedom and growth.

To welcome that new chapter and truly create a fulfilling life, here are some steps you can take:

  • Take time each day to journal your thoughts and feelings. Journaling lets you process the complex emotions that arise after dealing with toxic family members. It provides a safe space where you can gain clarity and begin healing.
  • Clearly define what future communication, if any, youโ€™ll have with your brother. Establish what level of contact with your family member feels safe and healthy for you. You can try only communicating through written means or limiting contact to specific occasions.
  • Dedicate a part of your day to activities that promote relaxation and well-being, like yoga or meditation. These practices help promote a sense of calm and inner peace, both crucial as you go through the challenging journey of rebuilding your life.
  • Reach out to friends and loved ones you trust, and plan regular meetups or calls. Remember, you have the power to choose your family. Strengthen these connections and build a support system that uplifts you.
  • Practice daily affirmations of forgiveness, both towards yourself and your brother. The process of cutting ties may have brought up feelings of anger, guilt, or sadness. Acknowledging them through forgiveness allows you to begin healing.
  • Say yes to opportunities that push you out of your comfort zone. Doing so can be incredibly empowering after youโ€™ve finally cut all ties. So, try a new hobby, take a solo trip, or pursue a long-held dream.
  • Join community groups or online forums for support and connection. These communities can offer valuable resources, encouragement, and a sense of belonging as you rebuild your life.
  • Set small, achievable goals each week to build confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate these victories, no matter how small. They mark your progress and empower you to continue on your path to healing.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned from this relationship to guide future interactions and choices. By understanding the dynamics that contributed to the negativity, you can develop tools to identify and deal with potential red flags in future relationships.

Itโ€™s Always Okay to Walk Away From Things That Cause You Pain

Figuring out how to cut ties with your toxic brother is never easy, but as my journey has shown, it can also be the most rewarding decision youโ€™ll ever make.

The journey ahead will be challenging. But you didnโ€™t come this far just to give up now.

Do whatever it takes to find the strength and courage within you to finally prioritize your well-being.

And throughout this process, always remind yourself that it’s okay to cut off ties with people who cause you pain.

You deserve to be surrounded by individuals who cherish and support you, not those who bring negativity into your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the emotional consequences of cutting ties with your toxic brother?

The emotional consequences when you get rid of toxic people include relief from stress and negativity. You may also have feelings of guilt, loss, and loneliness.

Can cutting ties with your toxic brother positively impact your mental health?

Cutting ties with your family members can positively impact mental health by reducing stress and improving overall well-being and self-esteem.

Can letting go of your toxic brother impact other family relationships?

Letting go of a toxic brother can affect other family relationships by reducing conflict or tension. However, it may also strain ties with relatives who remain connected to him.

When should you consider cutting ties with your toxic brother?

Consider cutting ties when a family member is creating consistent stress, harm, or negativity in your life, despite efforts to improve the relationship.

Is it okay to reconsider letting go if my brother shows signs of change?

Yes, itโ€™s okay to reconsider if your brother shows genuine signs of positive change and you feel comfortable and safe reopening communication.

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